Thursday, January 12, 2012


Wednesday, Jan.11, 2012
What did we do yesterday. I remember.We took the dog Angus for a walk, up and down the hills and around the neighborhood. Then we had breakfast and Brian and I were going snorkeling. But by the time we got to the beach, which is not that far from the house, unloaded the car and got all the stuff down to the beach it was grey and over cast. I didn"t go in but my friends' husband did. He is newly retired and is used to swimming in the ocean. Martha, Angus and I sat on the beach and watched the waves and talked about her trip to Australia she is planning. Afterwards we went for a walk, Angus is quite good at catching frisbee"s. I was duly impressed. Last night while Martha went to her Hula lesson, I went to the shopping center and looked around. It's the first time I have driven since September, and its amazing. Driving on the right side of the road and using myleft wrist. I did manage to get there and back without getting lost and be on the correct side of the street. It was surpising though how painful it was on my left wrist.
Today was the first hike of their hiking club.It was challenging. Slippery rocks, 13 streams to cross, narrow paths to navigate. When I go on these the only thing I see are the 2 feet in front of me unless it's a flat area otherwise I have to pay attention and know where I am going to put my feet. Fortunately' my friends had been hiking with walking sticks and had two I could use. I would not have made it otherwise. It was nice and cool. We had a peanut butter and jelly and banana sandwich, 2 dates and water for lunch and then we had to hike back over the slippery trail. And we weren't the only ones hiking. We passed a lot of other people.
Martha and I went to see "Descendants" last night with George Clooney and it was good. Must go to sleep;ggetting up early in the morning to go diving at 6:30.

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