Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Molokini, Hawaii
Today is Friday the 13 and the su was out. Yeah. We went for our morning walk with the dog. Today we walked along the beach. It was really nice to walk barefoot in the sand. On the way back up the beach angus showed us how good he is at catching the frisbee. After our walk we went to the recycling center. They get paid for their recycling here. They get paid for cans and bottles. I remember when we used to get money for cans and bottles in Dallas. Then we went to the plant nursery for some new plants for the yard. We came home and changed clothes and went to a little place for lunch and I had a mahi mahi fish sandwich. They ordered noodles and pork and they said it wasn't good.
Yesterday I went on another dive trip. I paid for a dive master to go with me and it was great. I may have gotten over the scary part of getting down under the water. It was good in lots of ways. One she didn't have so much weight on ,e that I felt like I was going to sink like a rock. It was enough tom get under the water and maintain my buoyancy. Two she had assembled all the gear. Three she was calm and easy to talk too. Four she was patient and allowed me time to get comfortable in the seems to be the theme though get comfortable breathing through the respirator and then put your face in the water. It's amazing how blue the water is. We saw yellow fangs, butterfly fish, eels,black cucumbers, she put a prickly creature on my hand. The first time down it was the usual challenge to get my ears to clear. The second dive they cleared easily going down. We saw one fish I hadn't seen before it had a bright purple mouth, grey body and yellow fins. Very colorfu little fellow. I went diving with a company called Ed and Suzzy Robinson. Ed came down to the boat ramp to see us off. There were 7 divers and two dive masters on our boat and the captain. The captain of the boat was from a small town in west Texas. Not Pecos but Coleman near Brownwood.
The stars arbig and bright in Hawaii. They don't have the light pollution that we do. The night sky has been magnificent, from the glorious sunsets to the beautiful full moon and bright stars.
Tonight Martha and I went to a luau called the feast at lele. It's the first luau I have been too since I came to Hawaii with Martha and her parents when we were 15 years old. That was a long time ago. Tonight we had a lotof exotic drinks, and a lot of food. The pork was really good. The coconut drink called a cni chi was quite tasty too. It had vodka in it instead of rum. Tomorrow is my last day will I make it count?
Yesterday I went on another dive trip. I paid for a dive master to go with me and it was great. I may have gotten over the scary part of getting down under the water. It was good in lots of ways. One she didn't have so much weight on ,e that I felt like I was going to sink like a rock. It was enough tom get under the water and maintain my buoyancy. Two she had assembled all the gear. Three she was calm and easy to talk too. Four she was patient and allowed me time to get comfortable in the seems to be the theme though get comfortable breathing through the respirator and then put your face in the water. It's amazing how blue the water is. We saw yellow fangs, butterfly fish, eels,black cucumbers, she put a prickly creature on my hand. The first time down it was the usual challenge to get my ears to clear. The second dive they cleared easily going down. We saw one fish I hadn't seen before it had a bright purple mouth, grey body and yellow fins. Very colorfu little fellow. I went diving with a company called Ed and Suzzy Robinson. Ed came down to the boat ramp to see us off. There were 7 divers and two dive masters on our boat and the captain. The captain of the boat was from a small town in west Texas. Not Pecos but Coleman near Brownwood.
The stars arbig and bright in Hawaii. They don't have the light pollution that we do. The night sky has been magnificent, from the glorious sunsets to the beautiful full moon and bright stars.
Tonight Martha and I went to a luau called the feast at lele. It's the first luau I have been too since I came to Hawaii with Martha and her parents when we were 15 years old. That was a long time ago. Tonight we had a lotof exotic drinks, and a lot of food. The pork was really good. The coconut drink called a cni chi was quite tasty too. It had vodka in it instead of rum. Tomorrow is my last day will I make it count?
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Wednesday, Jan.11, 2012
What did we do yesterday. I remember.We took the dog Angus for a walk, up and down the hills and around the neighborhood. Then we had breakfast and Brian and I were going snorkeling. But by the time we got to the beach, which is not that far from the house, unloaded the car and got all the stuff down to the beach it was grey and over cast. I didn"t go in but my friends' husband did. He is newly retired and is used to swimming in the ocean. Martha, Angus and I sat on the beach and watched the waves and talked about her trip to Australia she is planning. Afterwards we went for a walk, Angus is quite good at catching frisbee"s. I was duly impressed. Last night while Martha went to her Hula lesson, I went to the shopping center and looked around. It's the first time I have driven since September, and its amazing. Driving on the right side of the road and using myleft wrist. I did manage to get there and back without getting lost and be on the correct side of the street. It was surpising though how painful it was on my left wrist.
Today was the first hike of their hiking club.It was challenging. Slippery rocks, 13 streams to cross, narrow paths to navigate. When I go on these the only thing I see are the 2 feet in front of me unless it's a flat area otherwise I have to pay attention and know where I am going to put my feet. Fortunately' my friends had been hiking with walking sticks and had two I could use. I would not have made it otherwise. It was nice and cool. We had a peanut butter and jelly and banana sandwich, 2 dates and water for lunch and then we had to hike back over the slippery trail. And we weren't the only ones hiking. We passed a lot of other people.
Martha and I went to see "Descendants" last night with George Clooney and it was good. Must go to sleep;ggetting up early in the morning to go diving at 6:30.
What did we do yesterday. I remember.We took the dog Angus for a walk, up and down the hills and around the neighborhood. Then we had breakfast and Brian and I were going snorkeling. But by the time we got to the beach, which is not that far from the house, unloaded the car and got all the stuff down to the beach it was grey and over cast. I didn"t go in but my friends' husband did. He is newly retired and is used to swimming in the ocean. Martha, Angus and I sat on the beach and watched the waves and talked about her trip to Australia she is planning. Afterwards we went for a walk, Angus is quite good at catching frisbee"s. I was duly impressed. Last night while Martha went to her Hula lesson, I went to the shopping center and looked around. It's the first time I have driven since September, and its amazing. Driving on the right side of the road and using myleft wrist. I did manage to get there and back without getting lost and be on the correct side of the street. It was surpising though how painful it was on my left wrist.
Today was the first hike of their hiking club.It was challenging. Slippery rocks, 13 streams to cross, narrow paths to navigate. When I go on these the only thing I see are the 2 feet in front of me unless it's a flat area otherwise I have to pay attention and know where I am going to put my feet. Fortunately' my friends had been hiking with walking sticks and had two I could use. I would not have made it otherwise. It was nice and cool. We had a peanut butter and jelly and banana sandwich, 2 dates and water for lunch and then we had to hike back over the slippery trail. And we weren't the only ones hiking. We passed a lot of other people.
Martha and I went to see "Descendants" last night with George Clooney and it was good. Must go to sleep;ggetting up early in the morning to go diving at 6:30.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Lahina, Maui, Hawaii
Our adventures today. We went for a morning walk for 45 minutes. However, the absolute hilight of the day was going on a whale watching trip. The whales were magnificent. Blowing their spouts, jumping ut of the water, lifting up their arm fins and waving, lifting up their tail fins and flapping them on the water and jumping up in the air and landing on their backs and tummies. On our way back to the dock, this calf as in baby whale kept jumping and jumping out of the water. We think he jumped out at least 5 times. The naturalist said when they get tired they lay down on their mothers heads and let the mother carry them along. Sometimes their is a male guard whale that swims along with a mother and her calf. He will swim between the boat and the mother and the baby. He is a guard. The naturalist said that's because he is hoping to be the next whale daddy. It was a fabulous afternoon. There was a rainbow over the mountain extending into the ocean, with the whales jumping. It really made for a spectacular afternoon. Then we went and had a cheeseburger at a place called Cheeseburgers'! I have been thinking about a burger for about 4 weeks. It was good but I don't think it was as good as the ones at Ball's or the gazebo burger in Dallaa. Ihope tomorrow brings another day as beautiful as this one was.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Kihei, Hawaii
Sunday jan 8, 2012 went to church good sermon about psalm 84. Trusting the lord and taking time for him I'm your life. And he explained the word "selah" that when it is in the bible it means "think about it". It's kind of hard to type on this key board laying in the hammock. I was watching the an sink into the ocean from the hammock on my friend's porch. You just can't believe it is so beautiful here. The weather is perfect, too. Warm during the day and then cool in the evenings. It's sort of like spring in
Dallas. The iPad takes beautiful sunset pictures and it's had lots of practice. If you would like to see pictures of my daughters and grandchildren check out the photographer web page Sherry Ferrante photography. Under Elisabeth and Jennifer and the password is Yankee. It was a nice surprise for me.
We have been spotting whales spouts n the ocean and then with the binoculars you can see the whales as they come out of the water. We went snorkeling this afternoon and saw trumpet fish, yellow angel fish.I also saw a fish here that I saw in Indonesia and Australia. That little guy gets around. We are off to listen to the irish music at mulligans.
Dallas. The iPad takes beautiful sunset pictures and it's had lots of practice. If you would like to see pictures of my daughters and grandchildren check out the photographer web page Sherry Ferrante photography. Under Elisabeth and Jennifer and the password is Yankee. It was a nice surprise for me.
We have been spotting whales spouts n the ocean and then with the binoculars you can see the whales as they come out of the water. We went snorkeling this afternoon and saw trumpet fish, yellow angel fish.I also saw a fish here that I saw in Indonesia and Australia. That little guy gets around. We are off to listen to the irish music at mulligans.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
Kihei, Hawaii
I'm sitting at my friends breakfast table in Kihei, Hawaii on the island of Maui, with the windows open and a beautiful lei around my neck writing this and it's Jan. 7 for the second time. I left New Zealand at 7 a.m. on January 7 and I arrived in Hawaii at 6:30 a.m. on January 7. My what a quick trip that was I arrived before I left. I'm on the way home. I meant to post something when I stayed at tmy traveling friends in New Zealand. They live in thecountry on 25 acres of rolling hills. Eleven years ago they built an american ranch house and it is beautiful. They have four steers. They grow their own beef and most of their own vegetables. I took the naked bus from Auckland to Bombay,NZ. Their teenage daughter picked me up and we went and ran some errands before going out to the house. It was kind of nice to do normal sort of everyday things that you dont do while you are traveling. We went to a place that is similar to Best Buy and she bought with her own money an iphone4s. Last year she had a job working in a cafe and now she cleans her Dad's engineering office for spending money.
Then we went to the town of Pukehohe to the vodaphone store to get a sim card at a discounted price for the new phone. How would you like to live in a town with the that name. We went to the grocery to buy her mother a plant and some chocolates as a combo gift. A thank you for letting me come stay and it was her birthday on the 3rd. Then we went out to the house. One thing about living in the country, someone has to be willing to get out and open the gate; the horses came out to greet us as well as the 4 steers. After i got my luggage out of the "boot" and into Jason's room, Melissa decided she was going swimming. So all the kids, Melissa and Jason and there friends from England's children and I went swimming. Fortunately, the sun was out finally. After breaking my wrist, how to get out of the pool, water, lake, ocean has been a primary concern of mine. I finally figured out I would be able to get out of the pool so was willing to get in. At first the water felt pretty cold to me, not as cold as the ocean in New Zealand or the swimming pool in Tua Papa, Indonesia. That pool was filled with icey cold mountain water. If i figure out how to get out, then I can get in.
That night for dinner we had a pot roast from one of their cows; and from their garden we had new potatoes, big green peas, a beat and lettuce salad, squash and they called the squash "corgettes" cooked in garlic and store bought butter. For dessert we had rhubarb crumble. The rhubarb was also from their garden. Then for breakfast the next day we had some stewed feioja fruit from their land as well as museli and milk ( store bought). I think they are fully self sustainable except the tomatoes weren't ripe.
On the 6th of January, their friends were in town and had their boat with them so we all went to a boat ride on the longest river in NZ. Because of all the rains the water was out of its banks and the current was very swift. The big kids got in the water and were towed behind the boat with a rope they found and me and the 11 and 14 yr old just went for a boat ride.
I am getting sleepy. After only 4 hours sleep last night sitting up on the plane, I wonder why. It''s about 5 p.m. here now. I watched Moneyball with Brad Pitt and also Dolphin Tale on the plane. I would recommend both of them. Of course I probably should have been sleeping instead of watching movies.
We're going for a walk on the beach, check you later.
Then we went to the town of Pukehohe to the vodaphone store to get a sim card at a discounted price for the new phone. How would you like to live in a town with the that name. We went to the grocery to buy her mother a plant and some chocolates as a combo gift. A thank you for letting me come stay and it was her birthday on the 3rd. Then we went out to the house. One thing about living in the country, someone has to be willing to get out and open the gate; the horses came out to greet us as well as the 4 steers. After i got my luggage out of the "boot" and into Jason's room, Melissa decided she was going swimming. So all the kids, Melissa and Jason and there friends from England's children and I went swimming. Fortunately, the sun was out finally. After breaking my wrist, how to get out of the pool, water, lake, ocean has been a primary concern of mine. I finally figured out I would be able to get out of the pool so was willing to get in. At first the water felt pretty cold to me, not as cold as the ocean in New Zealand or the swimming pool in Tua Papa, Indonesia. That pool was filled with icey cold mountain water. If i figure out how to get out, then I can get in.
That night for dinner we had a pot roast from one of their cows; and from their garden we had new potatoes, big green peas, a beat and lettuce salad, squash and they called the squash "corgettes" cooked in garlic and store bought butter. For dessert we had rhubarb crumble. The rhubarb was also from their garden. Then for breakfast the next day we had some stewed feioja fruit from their land as well as museli and milk ( store bought). I think they are fully self sustainable except the tomatoes weren't ripe.
On the 6th of January, their friends were in town and had their boat with them so we all went to a boat ride on the longest river in NZ. Because of all the rains the water was out of its banks and the current was very swift. The big kids got in the water and were towed behind the boat with a rope they found and me and the 11 and 14 yr old just went for a boat ride.
I am getting sleepy. After only 4 hours sleep last night sitting up on the plane, I wonder why. It''s about 5 p.m. here now. I watched Moneyball with Brad Pitt and also Dolphin Tale on the plane. I would recommend both of them. Of course I probably should have been sleeping instead of watching movies.
We're going for a walk on the beach, check you later.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
L & P soft drink
L & P soft drink. In the web site for all things kiwi mania, 100% New Zealand mania. P stands for paeroa and apparently is made from water from paeroa or it might be a secret ingredient. At any rate it is now bottled by the coca cola company. I know this is not possible to get kiwi products in the USA. I've tried to get south African candy made by Nestle's in Dallas. Even if you write directly to the company they won't sell their other country products in theUSA. However, it's kind of interesting though to see the number of products that we see regularly in the USA on the shelves in the countries I have been to. For example, extra gum, diet coke, Lipton ice tea, nestle ice tea and the list goes on.
Paihia, New Zealand
So Iwatched a good Mel Gibson movie tonight after dinner. A friend asked if I had met any cute men on this trip. No single men on these trips. No single men just hanging out in New Zealand or Australia. A single man was on the trip in Cambodia. He lived in England. He was 10 years younger and traveling with his daughter and not interested.
However the gelato and ice cream has been pretty spectacular. Probably not on the same level.I found two new lemon drinks today. Golden circle lemon and lime; fresh up big fizz lemon flavor. I'm going to look up the l & p in google and see what's in it. Just a brief note from midnight in Paihia.
However the gelato and ice cream has been pretty spectacular. Probably not on the same level.I found two new lemon drinks today. Golden circle lemon and lime; fresh up big fizz lemon flavor. I'm going to look up the l & p in google and see what's in it. Just a brief note from midnight in Paihia.
Monday, January 2, 2012
Paihia, New Zealand
I went scuba diving today. I was able to get down. Yes, it was wonderful. My problem is getting scared on the surface and relearning how to breathe slowly and not holding your breath underwater. There was a blue damsel fish with two little white dots on their back sides were biting us. Apparently we were too close to their nests. I never thought fish had nests. The black spiny urchins are over populated in these waters. Our dive master brought a couple up and we tasted sea urchin roe. It was interesting. It was yellow ochre in color. He also would cut up the sea urchins for the fish and that was interesting seeing the fish in a feeding frenzy. No pictures. I forgot the underwater camera i bought in Australia for snorkeling. I think I was too deep to use it anyway. Saw lots of beautiful flowing plants. You know its the first time I've been diving in cold water. We wore 7 mil wet suits. My suit wasn't quite tight enough. Because to get it around my bottom half it wasn't tight enough aroundd my wrists to keep the water out. We all had a hood and full body suits and long sleeves as well as booties. In addition, I also had on gloves. I was cold the whole time even though the sun was shining brightly. So I think its the first time I have been sunburned and cold at the same time. We had a nice chicken sandwhich for lunch.
I have tried every lemon drink they have on the market and there is a big variety here in New Zealand. One today I found is called L & P, bottled by coca cola, has lemon and peaoka in it. I wonder what peaoka is.
We're staying in the best hotel yet. Its called the Scenic. Kiwi colored walls, cucmber and mint bahroom productts, good mattresses and pillows. The hotel, Kingsgate in Rotorura was disgusting. Saggy mattress and it had been ages since they remodeled the rooms. The lobby seemed nice. The tour directtor said the pool was going to be heated by the thermal pools that dot the area and in fact the water was ice cold.
Souvenirs are jade, bone carving, merino wool, lambs lleather wallets, kauri wood tiki gods and paua shell jewelry. And of course lots of pictures of green hills with lots of sheep and dairy cows.
I have tried every lemon drink they have on the market and there is a big variety here in New Zealand. One today I found is called L & P, bottled by coca cola, has lemon and peaoka in it. I wonder what peaoka is.
We're staying in the best hotel yet. Its called the Scenic. Kiwi colored walls, cucmber and mint bahroom productts, good mattresses and pillows. The hotel, Kingsgate in Rotorura was disgusting. Saggy mattress and it had been ages since they remodeled the rooms. The lobby seemed nice. The tour directtor said the pool was going to be heated by the thermal pools that dot the area and in fact the water was ice cold.
Souvenirs are jade, bone carving, merino wool, lambs lleather wallets, kauri wood tiki gods and paua shell jewelry. And of course lots of pictures of green hills with lots of sheep and dairy cows.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
I've been in new Zealand three days and it's supposed to be summer here. I have worn my jacket, my silk thermal underwear and my long pants every day. So it's chilly and it has poured rain as well for the three days. We went to Waiomo today to see the glow worms, took a silent boat ride in the cave and saw the stalactites and stalagmites. It seems like we did something else this morning but I do think that was all. Lots of green rolling hills, sheep and some funny looking cows. They were black with a big white stripe around the middle like a big white belt. Yesterday we were in Rotorua. We actually spent 2 nights there. The first night they did a Maori feast in our hotel then The following day we went to a farm agrodome show. They showed us about 20 different varieties of sheep, sheared a sheep and milked a cow, had a sheep dog heard some ducks around the stage and then the sheep dogs herded sheep out in the field. We also went to a Maori historical place and geyeser. We saw fabulous wood carving of totem poles, weaving of flag into rope, dresses, baskets. They can make just about anything out of flax. And we also saw the geysers erupting and heard about the healing properties of the mud and sulfur. Geothermal activity.
Tomorrow we are off to e bay of islands.
Tomorrow we are off to e bay of islands.
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